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March 17, 2003


Pass the smelling salts.... What a shock election discovery.... The SMH noticed today that Labor to benefit most from the Greens' preference deals.

Who could have expected that? Not that it has been any different in any election in Australia since the Green party was formed.

There are three problems with the Greens: First they are fundamentally a one issue party which can't cope with more generic issues of government (e.g. legalizing drugs?), second they ignore perfectly valid evidence that doesn't fit their preconceptions (e.g. the bush vs burnoff issue), and thirdly they are just a just a mechanism for funneling votes back to labor.

Posted by Ozguru at March 17, 2003 12:00 PM

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Later, I got even harsher about the Greens - in fact I end up calling them the "Watermelons" - Green in name, Communist (red) inside.

Posted by: Ozguru [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 4, 2005 08:29 AM