October 06, 2004

Thanks a million

Well not really a million - how about:

The visitor came via Jabobbie:

My ambition was for 100,000 visitors for the calendar year of 2004 - we have almost three months and 25,000 to go :-)

Now I think I have a speech here somewhere...let me look for it... scrabble... scrabble... honey, have you seen it... whadya mean on the chair... which chair... oh, that chair...

Ahem. Unaccustomed to public speaking as I am, I would nevertheless like to take the opportunity to thank first and foremost all of you readers. Without your visits, we could not have achieved this magnificent result...

Where is my speech writer... what is all this guff about... of course they visited - we were counting the visits... what about the parents and wife and stuff...

Just talk amongst yourselves for a bit willya?Whadya mean I can't say that? I already did ... Whadya mean live... Isn't this mike switched [CLICK]

[CLICK] Ummm. Sorry about the interruption, there has been a technical hitch, we will return you to your scheduled program shortly. [CLICK]


[CLICK] Argh stuffit!* I ain't no good at this speech business. I just wanna say "THANKS MATES" for dropping by. Feel free to let me know what you like (or don't like) so I can improve what I do...

[* A well known Macintosh product.]

Posted by Ozguru at 09:30 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack