September 30, 2004

Top 10 is getting closer...

The core code has been completely rewritten and is running heaps* faster.

Blogroll Checklist
G'day Mate (Blojsom) AOK (480)
G'day Mate! AOK (257)
G'Day Mate - Reviews! AOK (314)
Note: There were 1051 possible links to consider (0 unresolved).

TOP 15 Sites
1: The Gray Monk (23)
2: All AgitProp, all the Time... (20)
3: Beyond the Black Hole (18)
4: Dusting My Brain (17)
5: Read My Lips (15)
6: Simon World (13)
7: On The Third Hand (12)
8: Grrrrr Be Afraid (10)
9: Accidental Verbosity (9)
10: Selective Amnesia (8)
11: the cheese stands alone (6)
12: (6)
13: Silver Blue Experience (6)
14: Mostly Fluff (5)
15: (5)

Random 5 Sites
Interested Participant (1)
On The Third Hand (12)
The Russian Dilettante's Weblog (1)
Beyond the Black Hole (18)
75th Weblog (4)

[* Yeah that was a really rotten pun :-)]

Posted by Ozguru at 11:25 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

September 28, 2004

D'Arcy Norman @ The Learning Commons » Blog Archive » 30,135

Over at The Learning Commons I came across a meme worth propagating:

Sometime over the weekend, this site received its 30,000th visitor since mid-2003, as recorded by SiteMeter. As I write this, it’s sitting at 30,135 visitors (about 100 per day). That’s actual human visitors, with image-enabled browsers (bots and spiders aren’t included in this, because they don’t download the image used by SiteMeter). I’m constantly amazed that anyone comes to read what I dump here. This site began as (and continues primarily to serve as) my outboard/online brain. Persistent searchable memory. But if others find it useful, you’re welcome to help yourself. That’s harder to do with the stuff inside my skull (but perhaps this site is more useful to others… ;-)

Sounds like an excellent reason to take up blogging. My only problem is that I am starting to forget what I have already blogged about. I have even told people "that's on my blog" (but it wasn't) or "I haven't heard that joke" (but they got it off my site).

(Via Learning Commons.)

Posted by Ozguru at 04:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

September 27, 2004

Friendly competition

Y'all know that I like to fool around with software. Point me at something with a free demo or evaluation licence and I am all over it like a rash. I get to find all sorts of really cools stuff that way. Mind you 95% of it gets tried and rejected - sometimes because it didn't seem to be all that useful after an initial rush of enthusiasm, sometimes because I couldn't evaluate the tool due to the some weird restrictions, sometimes it just didn't work. The other 5% I buy. I figure if it was useful I should pay for it. One of the biggest successes of this crazy experimentation would have to be NetNewsWire. I loved the product, bought the full version and I use it daily. The latest beta is absolutely knocking my socks off - and the biggest feature (for me) is that it saves all the tabs when Tiger crashes (not more than once a day of course :-)). Unlike Safari. That means all the newsfeed articles that were interesting (and therefore open in tabs until I get to comment on them) are still there after a crash. In the last two days that has saved be hours of pain (and I already had enough paid trying to recover the lost posts).

What has that enthusiastic endorsement got in common with the title of this post? Try reading Weblog: Comments for ‘Weblog editors’ :

Maybe it’s weird or naive of me, but I like other OS X weblog editor developers. It’s a great group of people. And so I find myself rooting for their success, even when we have products in the same space. And I also find that I really like this situation.

Isn't it great when the author of a product is just as nice as the product itself>?

Posted by Ozguru at 10:30 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack