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September 27, 2004

Friendly competition

Y'all know that I like to fool around with software. Point me at something with a free demo or evaluation licence and I am all over it like a rash. I get to find all sorts of really cools stuff that way. Mind you 95% of it gets tried and rejected - sometimes because it didn't seem to be all that useful after an initial rush of enthusiasm, sometimes because I couldn't evaluate the tool due to the some weird restrictions, sometimes it just didn't work. The other 5% I buy. I figure if it was useful I should pay for it. One of the biggest successes of this crazy experimentation would have to be NetNewsWire. I loved the product, bought the full version and I use it daily. The latest beta is absolutely knocking my socks off - and the biggest feature (for me) is that it saves all the tabs when Tiger crashes (not more than once a day of course :-)). Unlike Safari. That means all the newsfeed articles that were interesting (and therefore open in tabs until I get to comment on them) are still there after a crash. In the last two days that has saved be hours of pain (and I already had enough paid trying to recover the lost posts).

What has that enthusiastic endorsement got in common with the title of this post? Try reading inessential.com: Weblog: Comments for ‘Weblog editors’ :

Maybe it’s weird or naive of me, but I like other OS X weblog editor developers. It’s a great group of people. And so I find myself rooting for their success, even when we have products in the same space. And I also find that I really like this situation.

Isn't it great when the author of a product is just as nice as the product itself>?

Posted by Ozguru at September 27, 2004 10:30 PM

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