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June 10, 2005

Apple vs Intel (IV)

In the aftermath of the Apple announcement, a few people are actually starting to think about the rational consequences. One interesting point is made in Daring Fireball: Bombs Away:
The question is not whether sales are going to be hurt; the question is how badly. Especially as we get closer to the release of Intel-based Macs next year, sales are going to drop. I’ve already heard from numerous people claiming they’re delaying planned hardware upgrades until the new Intel-based machines arrive. It doesn’t matter if such reactions are irrational or emotional or uninformed — what matters is that there exists X number of people who would have purchased new Mac hardware in the coming months, but who instead are now planning to wait for next year’s Intel-based Macs.
Apple’s attitude is clear: we’ll take a couple of quarters of weak sales now, and make it up for next year when the new systems ship. With growing iPod revenue, it’s entirely possible that Mac sales could take a complete nosedive for the remainder of 2005 and Apple could remain profitable. (It’s also possible that we will see some outstanding price cuts on existing product lines in the coming months.)
I am looking forward to those price cuts. I plan to buy a G5 PowerMac when the price is right - it should last for 2 - 3 years and will provide a reasonable workhorse after then, even if I have to convert to running pure Darwin on it. The reason for picking the PowerMac is that I can put PCI cards in it to run a tape drive and possibly a fibre array at the same time as getting a fairly decent graphics card.

Posted by Ozguru at June 10, 2005 08:00 PM

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