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June 28, 2005

Holiday Map I

As guessed by Old Horsetail Snake and Kazza, the mystery photo was from the Parkes Radio Telescope. On the first day outward bound, we headed to Bathurst, Orange, Parkes and then Forbes:


Of course a map like that, with no scale, is somewhat hard to visualise... Parkes (where the Radio Telescopt can be found) is 365km (227 miles) from Sydney. The slowest parts are Sydney to Penrith (i.e. from where we live to the outskirts of Sydney) because of the traffic and then Penrith to Mt Victoria (not shown) as we climbed the Blue Mountains. The rest of the way was 100 or 110 km/hr (62 mph - 68 mph).

Posted by Ozguru at June 28, 2005 07:00 AM

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Yeah, I think that's what I guessed: Parkes radio telescope, which they use to look for Vegemite tracks on Mars.

Posted by: Old Horsetail Snake at June 29, 2005 06:33 AM

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