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June 05, 2005

About This Blog

This is a really quick introduction - to save the reader from having to comb through hundreds and hundreds of posts to get some idea of the idiot who put all this together.

First there is me: Ozguru. I started playing with Unix-like systems (OS9) in 1983 and went to university to become a teacher. Somewhere along the way I got sucked into the IT industry and I have not managed to escape yet - mainly because my preferred occupations don't pay as well :-) Over a period of more than 20 years I managed to acquire 4 degrees and a reasonable amount of Solaris expertise - hence my current work is as a team leader (speciality Solaris). I also play around a lot with Mac's - but only since MacOS X because that is really UNIX underneath :-)

Next up (in terms of history) is Rofl - who studied with me at uni. He is currently a consultant earning frequent flyer miles by travelling between Singapore and various places in Australia. He no longer posts regularly.

When Rofl "retired", his position was filled by Peskie (and to a lesser extent by Ravages) - they try to post something in the LOL category every day (or thereabouts).

My family, who sometimes get a mention, are in the extended entry...

I tend to try and avoid being too specific about the individuals in my family. A long time ago when I was a relatively new blogger, some b*st*rd threatened my kids - hence things about my family tend to be somewhat vague and lacking in specifics...

My spouse is DragonFly (DF). We have been married for ages and ages (but I can't tell you how long). When not looking after the kids (see below), DF works as an interpreter/translator. She speaks three languages other than English - no prizes for guessing that all three are Chinese (Cantonese, Chiu Chow, and Mandarin).

We have two kids: OJ (Ozguru Jnr) and DFJ (DragonFly Jnr). OJ gets a fairly regular mention because he has Asperger's - which can occasionally interfere with regular pursuits like blogging.

Posted by Ozguru at June 5, 2005 06:00 PM

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