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March 26, 2004

Odds and Sods

This is a series of short bits and pieces that can't wait until the next roundup.

Firstly, if you found this site, congratulations. It won't be official until April 1 (when nobody will believe it because they think it is an April fool joke). The new blog is currently balanced over two servers - mu.nu and the archive site. As I get the kinks in the new layout sorted out that will change.

Anyway, there was a rude comment left over at Read My Lips but notGeorge seems to have dealt with it very effectively. It was encouraging to see the munuvians (like Susie) coming out in support of one of their mates.....

I am secretly wondering if the notGeorge is really just a disguise for NG (next generation) - the power blogger.

Actually one of the best sections on notGeorge's blog are the introspective (i.e. Navel Gazing) posts. I was thinking of that today when I came across some debunking of crackpot theories about golden numbers and fibonacci (the f number):

Navels. We read that you can reveal f by measuring the height of a person and the height of the person's navel, measured from the floor. The ratio of navel height to total height is supposed to be f. And with the current interest in navels, the implication is that this is one indicator of attractive bodily proportions. Has anyone checked real people? In the interest of science I checked this assertion for a large sample of the most popular swimsuit models. This should check the claim that bodies judged "beautiful" should have the ideal characteristics of form, including the ideal navel height. [It's a tough job, but someone has to do it.] The results averaged 0.58±0.01, with rather small variation. So much for that myth.

Looks like a whole new area of possible research and gives yet another opportunity for navel gazing :-)

Over at CARS (which is now in a blog format) there is a lovely post about the 3 year party for MacOSX:

Apple's 21st century operating system turns three years old today and while Ars Technica marked the event with a retrospective, Apple celebrated by taking OS X and 15 of its screaming friends to Chuck E. Cheese for an afternoon of pizza, games and sugar-induced frenzy.
OS X proceeded to consume four pieces of chocolate cake and three glasses of Coke. The Unix-based operating system then tore around the Chuck E. Cheese like a hysterical jack rabbit for forty-five minutes until it collapsed in a tired, whiney lump on the floor, refusing even to support its own weight.

Check the plink for more party details :-)

The Gray Monk has a post about helicopters. As he is the proud parent, I guess that makes me a proud uncle-in-law (or is that a step-uncle-in-law)? All this family stuff is very complicated. Much easier if I switch to Australian: "Onya mate".

Speaking of Australian*, the other paper in Sydney is carrying a story about Queensland vs NSW (and Vic). Worth reading for locals anyway.

Also in Australia, we have the man who would be king is fighting with the American ambassador. Again. Last time his boss had to apologise for him. This time, he is the boss!

In more global news, USS Clueless has an update on the Palestinian vs Israel solution (or lack thereof). Tiny Little Lies is asking about whether it one is being a bigot for rejecting religions that allow (or encourage) wife-beating.

The first al-Qaida gift for the French has been found.

Finally in really, really local news: the council election for the suburb I live in made it into the Sydney papers (scroll down to the article about 'Pistol Pete') thanks to a very entertaining feud between the owner of a backpacker motel and the local mayor.

* Silly joke - there are actually three papers in Sydney: "The Australian", "The Sydney Moaning Herald" and "The Daily Telegraph".

Posted by Ozguru at March 26, 2004 08:00 PM

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If Latham gets elected I'll have to tell everyone I'm a Kiwi. Aaargh!!!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at March 27, 2004 12:03 AM

Ta for the link Mate.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at March 27, 2004 07:40 PM

Ta for the link Mate.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at March 27, 2004 07:41 PM

Ta for the link Mate.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at March 27, 2004 07:41 PM

Ta for the link Mate.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at March 27, 2004 07:42 PM