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June 10, 2005

Work Around the Problem

What do you do when you get spill something in your keyboard? You can try calling tech support, selling the computer on ebay, putting it in the dishwasher (please don't do that) or you can find a workaround:
Yep. I had just gotten it back and was using it on long car trips to do the last round of substantive re-writes when a bit of Dr. Pepper sloshed out of my cup onto the edge of the keypad. Despite all my prompt action to remove all traces of the offending liquid and the delay in showing the effects, soon I noticed that I could not type 'a, z, q, 1, !, Q, A, [or] Z' or use CAP LOCK or TAB. I just could not face taking it back in for repairs, so have been lagging here and there using my workaround, a clipboard manager with all the necessary letters and characters ready to be pasted where they are needed. I'll quickly confess that when I was hitting CONTROL-V, it was to paste 'a' on more occasions than not.
Now that is good old-fashioned ingenuity...

Posted by Ozguru at June 10, 2005 08:30 PM

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Woe, I feel special. ;)

Posted by: Tig at June 11, 2005 09:22 AM

You are special - it shouldn't need a post here for you to know that ...

Posted by: Ozguru at June 11, 2005 09:53 AM

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