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June 30, 2005

Google Images

Saw this very cool idea for a meme at Kazza (who found it at Dave's). The idea is you answer a bunch of questions and post the picture returned by Google Images.

Just to make things more interesting, I give you the images but not the answers :-)

The place you grew up:


The place you live now:


Your name (this image is actually from my site :-)):


Your favorite drink:


Your favorite song:


Posted by Ozguru at June 30, 2005 01:00 PM

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Your name is Kilt? Never woulda guessed it.

Posted by: Old Horsetail Snake at July 1, 2005 04:17 AM

No silly, it's obviously Oz Guru as you can plainly see tattooed on that man's leg. You need stronger glasses. As for the reasons some guy has OG's name tattooed on his leg, you'll have to submit your request for information in triplicate with the proper stamps affixed.

Posted by: Tig at July 1, 2005 09:52 AM

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