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April 04, 2004

Blog Roundup

The first blog this week is one of those unidentifiable connections. I guess the author of Cop Talk either left a comment or someone bounced from there to here which looks like a referral. I looked through the blogroll and they are all strangers to me (but look worth investigating). In the meantime, the blog appears to be from the perspective of a cop (who would've guess that from the title?). I particularly liked this picture of the rollercoaster highway and this story points out that there is more to public nudity than you might expect. Finally, I really liked tihs ertny.

Coptalk mention a kids party which is a good lead in for Ramblings of SilverBlue who has 7 reasons not to mess with kids. This was the first place I saw the new security arrangements for us aliens. I would not be thrilled to be fingerprinted - feels like a lack of trust really. Finally, I think I need to include a picture for the ladies.

Now this next blog should not actually have come up in the list. You see The Accidental Jedi is now a dormant blog. The author has merged with blogs (in more ways than one) and the replacement is Accidental Verbosity. If yours truly had been on the job, this would not have occurred because top10 has a mapping table for changes in domain names. Somehow I missed mapping the old onto the new domain..... Anyway, instead of reviewing a dormant blog, lets go and have a look at Accidental Verbosity instead. Jay (the other author) has an interesting anti-moonbat post that is almost entirely written using images. Worth thinking about. There is also an interesting grammer quiz which I reckon I could fail next weekend. Finally the best possible news is that the recent marriage is producing something even more special than a new blog.

Speaking of such events naturally leads to Simon World - another blogger expecting (well actually his wife is doing the expecting). There is even a poll on the main page to pick boy/girl and early/late (Girl & Early is currently the top choice). I stumbled over this blog when the author welcomed me to mu.nu and I have enjoyed reading it. Simon is (AFAIK) an Aussie living and working in Hong Kong (something I came close to doing a couple of times - given the family connections). This gives an interesting perspective on events. The only down side is that the posts are scrolling off the main page too fast :-)

Finally (on a much sadder note) Dusting My Brain has stopped dusting (in fact that link probably won't work). There is a final message to her audience here but all the old archives and everything are locked away. Major downer. Personally, I think it was because of the recent birthday party and the drunken Aussie comments :-) Hey squip, couldn't you leave the archives for us to browse?

Well, despite my Friday 5 intentions, it looks like nothing really got done except for this Roundup. Next time you are feeling down, just remember that I put your viewing pleasure higher on the to-do list than all those activities :-) Mind you, I did spend a fair bit of Saturday wearing a "skirt" (as my daughter calls it). My wife kept saying it was hot but I felt fine until I had to put my trousers back on (to go to church)......

Posted by Ozguru at April 4, 2004 12:00 PM

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and here I thought that you missed the *poof,* but I see that you didn't. my bad! as for archives, that's highly debatable. i'm working on some secret stuff that may just see primetime Web again. maybe. I may slap up the occasional one-pager (of course the minute you take your blog down you find all sorts of things you want to write about.) of course I can always dump my archives in a .zip file and send them to you :-)

Posted by: Cindy at April 5, 2004 10:53 AM

Thanks for the linkage!

Posted by: SilverBlue at April 5, 2004 02:30 PM

Thanks for the links and comments. What does AFAIK mean, pardoning my ignorance? And how did you do that nifty thing at the top with different tabs to different pages? Not that I'm jealous and going to steal the idea or anything, it's just that I'm jealous and want to steal the idea.

Posted by: Simon at April 5, 2004 08:36 PM

AFAIK: As Far As I Know (I think)

Posted by: SilverBlue at April 6, 2004 04:55 AM

Yup. Sorry, I responded to Simon via email and forgot to post it up. I also often use IANAL (I Am Not a Lawyer). I have been tempted to use IANAY (I am not an American) but I worry that some readers might not appreciate the use of 'Yank' for American. The phrase was so common here, that during WWII there was even a rhyming slang for it (Septic Tank). Hence the old diggers joke about the septic tank with a purple heart from eating too much icecream. A lot of that type of semi-derogatory humour came after the riots in Brisbane (AU vs US servicemen).

Posted by: Ozguru at April 6, 2004 12:11 PM