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May 02, 2004

Blog Roundup

Who the heck is Mister Green? Well he must be good because he is a munu blog and as he says:

Attention non-Munu bloggers - resistance is futile.

Now you know! I believe a few of those on my blogroll are also considering convert to the light munu as well :-) I particularly liked this take on being "lucky". Personally, I reckon Mr Green is already pretty lucky.

It looks like The Gray Monk has fallen prey to the multi-blogger (also known as schizophrenic) phenomenon - at least according to this post. Personally I am wondering if this mouse and this mouse are in someway related. Squeaky denials expected any moment now. On a more serious note the Monk has a great comparison of Leaders vs Managers which really explains a great deal of what is wrong - too many managers is causing a shortage of followers and leaders :-) On a side note, congratulations to the Monk for passing me in the Ecosystem (a marsupial beats a rodent every time).

TexasBestGrok is another newcomer (at least to me). Without even visiting, I am expecting some Heinlein.... I didn't find any but I did find this ode to heroes and then this post which left me all confused: Pom? Scot? Texan? AT least I found another munu connection to Rocket Jones.

Dusting My Brain has been very busy (kissing in the park) but still found some time to try and help with my iTunes problem and to cheer on a female horse trainer. Now at this point I run into language problems - what does it mean to say that the young lady will "saddle" the horse. Does that include riding or is she the trainer and someone is the rider? Here the two (trainer / jockey) are different people and we would say the jockey "mounts" the horse and the trainer "trains" the horse. Back in time a little DMB asks about WWDC and blogging - yes I will be blogging from WWDC and I believe that I will not be alone - there will apparently be a blog get-together - although I do not recognise any of the other blogs (as yet).

CynicalCyn.com can often provide a different view of the world. For a starter, she is the only blog that I read regularly that supports the bloke with a big forehead. I also (reluctantly*) point out that she has the best jokes, like this one and this one. Speaking of alternate views, try this post.

Well that is all for this week. At least it was (almost) on time this round.....

[* Not because I don't like the jokes but because I know LOL will "borrow" them and I'll have to see them again...... ]

Blogroll Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive (SELF) AOK
G'Day Mate! (SELF) AOK
The Gray Monk AOK
LOL: Laughing Out Loud AOK
The Postulate AOK
Another Day Dawns AOK
What The .... AOK
Munuvian - Blog Roll AOK
G'Day Mate! - Blog Roll AOK
Note: There were 1690 possible links to consider (0 unresolved).

TOP 15 Sites
1: LOL: Laughing Out Loud (148)
2: The Gray Monk (52)
3: Dusting My Brain (35)
4: All AgitProp, all the Time... (35)
5: On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News (30)
6: Read My Lips (30)
7: Ramblings of SilverBlue (24)
8: Another Day Dawns (23)
9: GRRR be afraid (17)
10: CynicalCyn.com (17)
11: The Postulate (17)
12: Beyond the Black Hole (16)
13: Aussie Courier (15)
14: Simon World (15)
15: Da Goddess - Friends are like bras, a good one never lets you down (14)

Random 5 Sites
Mister Green (1)
The Gray Monk (52)
TexasBestGrok (1)
Dusting My Brain (35)
CynicalCyn.com (17)

Posted by Ozguru at May 2, 2004 12:00 PM

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Church Mouse has many millions of cousins all round the world; that other mouse may well be an umpteenth cousin.

Posted by: Church Mouse at May 3, 2004 11:40 AM

Re: the article of the 21-year-old horse _trainer_ .... I think the writer of the article (MSNBC) assumed that the reader would understand the difference (I hate that type of ignorance, btw.) The young lady is the _trainer_ of the horse, not its jockey. The horse came in third place, btw. Not bad for a newbie to the Kentucky Derby.

Posted by: Cindy at May 3, 2004 12:05 PM

Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure because here a jockey would 'saddle' the horse but I was guessing from the context that 'saddle' actually meant 'trained'.

Posted by: Ozguru at May 3, 2004 12:46 PM

Mr Mouse likewise feels akin to the valliant Chruch Mouse and wishes her the best of luck in all future battles with the feline species. More cheese to you cousin!

Posted by: Mr Mouse at May 3, 2004 12:59 PM

Howdy and thanks for the link. My blog's tagline, ". . . like trying to lift water with a knife," is a quote from Stranger in a Strange Land, so Heinlein literally appears on every page of my blog. Regarding the "We Are All Britons" post, I was a bit too vague, and in retrospect I made the fatal error that we "yanks" seem to make all too often -- I conflated England with Britain. That poll was about what made Britons British. By their criteria, I have British tastes even though I'm a Texan with nary a drop of English blood in me.

Posted by: John Lanius at May 3, 2004 02:51 PM

It has been so long since I read SIASL that I missed the quote. My favourite is still "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" though.... I always figured if MIT ever built a real AI it would want to tell jokes :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at May 3, 2004 03:25 PM

Thanks for the link. I enjoy these roundups because I always find a new place or two to visit.

Posted by: Ted at May 4, 2004 11:12 PM