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May 16, 2004

Blog Roundup

Here we are back with a new Blog Roundup and for the first time in memory, we actually have a single theme for the week. Every single blog that was randomly selected has been posting about the same thing this week..... the changes that SixApart have made to the MT licence.

Before we start I would like to note that the changes do not affect users who wish to continue with the existing installation BUT 2.661 is no longer available so forget about new installs or rebuilds.

First cab off the rank is the excellent shared munu blog (all munuvians can post to it): Munuviana. This carries soem details about the PullQuotes that I used over on the main blog but the topic of the week post asks about Minx (a blog package being written by the host of munu). Answer is that it will be available soon but in the meantime, ExpressionEngine will appear soon and Pixy is also looking at WordPress.

The next site Ramblings of SilverBlue had been thinking about a revamp of the site and this was the final straw. You can follow the history and decision in these posts: first, second and third. As I write, you can now find the new SilverBlue over here. [Note to self - remember to update this in top10.]

Next we have Kathy at On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News who also has multiple posts (1, 2 and 3). This is where I first spotted the story and Kathy linked to both the main story and the later clarification (which was predicted by Kathy). There was also a link to The BlogHouse (which from the URL is running WordPress).

More to come, over at 75th Weblog we can see the mental strain of someone torn between the options: , and .

It doesn't stop there, we also have Accidental Verbosity (another non-MT site) joining in with this post and a later followup.

Now cynical readers out there may be wondering if the randomness was rigged given such a common theme. Just to reassure you, here are a few other blogs also jumping on the same bandwagon - there really were a great many blogs to choose from :-) In fact I cut the list at the first 30 links I read...
- 6A shoots foot
- All MT all the time
- And that's the end of that
- As of 4am PDT this morning, MT sucks
- Changes on the Horizon
- Develop MT
- Excuse Me?!
- Friends don't let friends do MT3
- Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me
- I Feel Like I've Been Stabbed in the Back
- Licensure
- Looks Like I'll Be Dumping MT Soon
- Movable Gripe
- Movable Payware is out
- MT: Closing TIme?
- MT Goes Paid
- MT in Trouble?
- MT3 Is Here -- Get Your Wallet Out
- MT3, New Licensing, DOOM DOOM DOOM
- MT3 Prices
- MT3 Released
- Not Good
- Problem with Trackback, The
- Six Apart announces MT 3,0 Developer Edition
- Six Apart shoots themselves in the foot
- Time to Update the PowerPoint
- Upgrade Hell
- Well, ain't that a kick in the groan?
- What MT's New License Means to Me
- You're Not My Type

If you want a summary to the most common responses that appear in the comments of these posts, check out this post which clearly outlines some key points which keep reappearing from the perspective of an MT user (especially the complaint from people who say "it is unreasonable to expect MT to be free" - which misses the problem altogether).

Blogroll Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive (SELF) AOK
G'Day Mate! (SELF) AOK
The Gray Monk AOK
LOL: Laughing Out Loud AOK
The Postulate AOK
Another Day Dawns AOK
What The .... AOK
Munuvian - Blog Roll AOK
G'Day Mate! - Blog Roll AOK
Note: There were 1716 possible links to consider (0 unresolved).

TOP 15 Sites
1: LOL: Laughing Out Loud (107)
2: The Gray Monk (57)
3: Dusting My Brain (37)
4: All AgitProp, all the Time... (35)
5: Read My Lips (32)
6: On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News (32)
7: Ramblings of SilverBlue (24)
8: Another Day Dawns (23)
9: Simon World (21)
10: The Postulate (19)
11: Beyond the Black Hole (18)
12: Aussie Courier (15)
13: CynicalCyn.com (14)
14: GRRR be afraid (14)
15: Accidental Verbosity (14)

Random 5 Sites
Munuviana (2)
Ramblings of SilverBlue (24)
On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News (32)
75th Weblog (1)
Accidental Verbosity (14)

Posted by Ozguru at May 16, 2004 12:00 PM

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» Is it Sybok? from PoliBlog
Hmm, it occurs to me that MT 3.0 may be to MoveableType what ST V was to Trek, (If you aren't at least a casual Trekkie, let me clue you in: that ain't good). Lest thou doubteth mine conclusions. Check... [Read More]

Tracked on May 17, 2004 11:41 AM

» Odds & Sods from G'Day Mate!
Well there was a Blog Roundup this week (about time, eh?) with Extra Crunchy Linkness(tm) and I did finally get the PotD posted - I need to find another way to get those photos into this new powerbook - anybody else played with the 5v (not 3.3.v) Smart... [Read More]

Tracked on May 18, 2004 07:19 PM


It actually is possible to still download 2.661 if you have downloaded it and used it in the past. Visit https://secure.sixapart.com/t/account and you will be prompted to login with your TypeKey identity (if you don't have one, register for one and be sure to use the same e-mail addy that you downloaded earlier versions with). Once you do, you'll come back to your "account" page and be presented with the past versions you've downloaded and the option to fetch them again. My explanation of how this works is part observation and part conjecture, but it worked just fine for me and I encourage others to try it out.

Posted by: Adam at May 19, 2004 02:15 AM