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June 23, 2005


I had a bunch of 'Fortune of the Day' all rolled up and ready to go (via trickle) but either I misunderstood the instructions (very likely) or trickle isn't working (possible), or I failed to sacrifice the right kind of goat (less likely). Whatever.

The end result is that you have all been waiting for some sign of life in the blog.... Did he cark it? Has he given up? Why is he talking about himself like this?

Well, late last week, after DF had her day surgery, we packed the kids in the car and departed for parts unknown. It is hard to update the blog from the middle of nowhere on a dial-up connection and even harder to show some photos. Anyway, we should be back by Sunday afternoon and in the meantime, I will try and juggle some stuff around to get a few posts up...

Posted by Ozguru at June 23, 2005 09:00 AM

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Hope DF is Ok and recovering and things are getting back to a bit of normality.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at June 24, 2005 03:31 AM

those daily fortunes weren't here yesterday, but here they are today. trickle down theory, I guess.

Posted by: Old Horsetail Snake at June 24, 2005 05:47 AM

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