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June 09, 2005

This guy deserves a medal...

Ever been on hold waiting for customer service? The episode that drove me nuts was being on hold with Tel$tra to complain about their cable modem service (which wasn't working). Every 15 seconds this voice would recommend that I log a call on-line instead of waiting. Yeah right. To do that I would need my connection to be working.
This guy in the UK took a different approach:

Gibbin told the Sun newspaper that he'd been on hold for an hour trying to order broadband when he cracked and started hitting buttons at random. This enabled him to change NTL's welcome message to something he felt was more appropriate. Hero.
I can't tell you want he changed the message to on a family oriented site but I have to admit that it seems really appropriate given the long wait...

Posted by Ozguru at June 9, 2005 08:00 PM

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