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March 24, 2004

Pest Toast

Ogden Nash


Posted by Ozguru at March 24, 2004 12:00 PM

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Yikes, you did it? Congrats, mate! ;)

Posted by: notGeorge at March 25, 2004 09:00 AM

Thanks to your encouragement :-)

Posted by: Ozguru at March 25, 2004 01:14 PM

All right! I get first YAY!!!

Posted by: CD at March 25, 2004 02:26 PM

Let me be the second to say Yay! It seems like my blogroll is slowly but surely all moving to Munu. Excellent.

Posted by: Simon at March 25, 2004 03:02 PM


Posted by: Susie at March 25, 2004 03:45 PM

About bloody time that you returned to the Dark Side... ;)

Posted by: Paul Jané at March 25, 2004 05:52 PM

Yay!!1! Welcome to our world!

Posted by: Madfish Willie at March 27, 2004 11:46 AM