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March 21, 2004

Blog Roundup

This Blog Roundup starts with some good news and some bad news. The good news is that we now include a brand new Guru-Blog (The Postulate) in the counting. Take the time to pop over and welcome her to the international world of blogging.

Now for the bad news. Firstly, this will be the last Blog Roundup to count our good mate Aussie Courier. He has decided to quit for good and has packed up his blog. The archive pages are still there (and an index page) but there can be no more updates. I am sure he would appreciate a farewell comment or two in exchange for the great reading he has provided over the last year or so.

Unfortunately that is not the end of the bad news. This is also the last blog roundup to include the Humour Blog. Most of you would be aware that it has not been active and all the posts have now been archived and the blog will be shut down permanently at the end of the month. Those of you with links to it, might like to link to the humour archive instead (check under the category archives at ).

Finally (in the bad news department), I am thinking of shutting down this review site completely. The comment spam problems are driving me batty (there is no auto-closing function on typepad) and the the autodiscovery problem is making the whole review process unwieldy. I currently prepare this whole entry in MT (where autodiscovery works) and then cut and paste into TypePad. The acid question is whether it is worth recreating the review blog under MT or just mix the reviews into the main blog (which is reverse migrating from TypePad to MT as you read this). The main reason for having the separate reviews was to ensure that the links stayed visible for some time (2 - 3 months) instead of vanishing in a week (as would happen on the main blog). Suggestions or comments on this matter would be appreciated....

Onto the review. First cab (and also the 4th) is LOL: Laughing Out Loud. Rofl (or Ralph) is posting one joke every day at midday local time. He used to be a prime source of the material that went into the humour blog. He also collects and reposts stuff from around the web (with attribution of course) and usually after a delay (was one month, will be two months). Recent jokes (not taken from my blogs) include: Womens' Points and The Oil Change. Personally, I like the Rules of Manhood. I must also explain (at Rofl's request) that he may be a little slow answering mail. He is using the fantastic 'deferred post' plugin - so that the posts are generally prepared well in advance. He was telling me the other day that he already has jokes lined up until the end of April.

Next up we have Skipjack DOT INFO who has found a blogged the The n things Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the Army (the number of things appears to grow every time I see this post). Well worth reading. Apparently this Skipjack insists that he is not the Skippy in question with the frail excuse that he was in the Navy rather than the Army. Personally if I was that Skippy's commanding officer, a transfer to the Navy might be just the thing :-) There is also a link to a (very large = 32MB) trailer for I, Robot. I am sure I have that book somewhere.... It was also neat to note that Skipjack used the same quote from USS Clueless about Spain that I did.

I just realised that it has been a couple of weeks since I popped in to read On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News. The problem is with so many blogs now providing RSS or ATOM feeds, I have been relying too heavily on the news aggregator and I miss some of the quality stuff like this story. On the one hand it is worrying that this guy had so many attempts but on the other hand it is good to know that he has been stopped every time. On a similar positive note, check out this item about how blogging is influencing decisions at high levels. Whatever you do, don't read this entry because it might change your preconceptions about Iraq and Al Qaeda. I need to go and check with Ms Kinsley about her web rates - maybe she can debug the CSS problems from a windows perspective.....

It was interesting that MommaBear (from On the Third Hand) is a regular reader of our next candidate: The Gray Monk who in turn has a connection to the new blog mentioned at the start of this review. The post that MommaBear linked to, deals with the The Modern Myth of Christian Aggression and is well worth a read. Like The Gray Monk, I have also refrained from watching the later parts of The Lord of the Rings. My better half kindly bought me the first DVD (2 disk edition) and when we watched it we realised that some essential bits were missing (like the gifts given by the elves). According to the ads on the DVD we should have got the extended edition (7 disks). Now I am going to wait until they come up with the super-great-complete-special-directors-cut 21 disk version which contains all the movies and then probably decide that it costs too much money :-) There is also a thoughtful comment on the Spanish elections and what we can expect next.

That's all for this week and (depending on the comments) possible the end of the run. So long and thanks for all the fish.

Posted by Ozguru at March 21, 2004 12:00 PM

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Thanks for the inclusion and the kind comments - I am sorry Aussie Courier is closing down, but can understand why as his business and his marriage all take time.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at March 23, 2004 12:36 AM

You're tellin me... Women!! (I think it is time for me to run...)

Posted by: Peteski at March 23, 2004 06:04 PM