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March 07, 2004

Blog Roundup

Well this last week I have been working hard on getting the archive blog fixed up. Nothing that visible to the public (yet) but I did get the rest of July, all of August and a chunk out of September transferred. As a result (especially combined with a bit of the blues), there has been very little real blogging activity. I would like to get on with that and to help the random number generator has decided to provide duplicates this week (see the extended article for the full results).

Ignoring duplicates, there are only three blogs to review, the first is Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin' who has been pining for some link luv. Tiger gave up smoking at the New Year and is still going well. He is seeking advice from the ladies on crotch itch which I thought was purely male problem :-) He has just returned from a trip to Luckenbach (which is apparently important if you know anything about Texas history - which I don't). Pop over and say hello, he'll appreciate the visit.

Next cab off the rank is Interested-Participant who would really appreciate your vote over here in the 'BlogMadness' contest. He has made it through to the cut-throat final series and is currently winning this round. Apart from the voting there are many, many amazing short stories like the rewards of being in the reserve, and the problems of being Amish. On a more serious note there is a wonderful tongue-in-cheek comment about releasing lab rats into the wild.

Finally we have the top linked blog: Dusting My Brain which is currently headed by a post in German (*) which I can't read. To make up for that there are some spectacular beach photos which are encouraging me to go take some pictures of the local beaches myself (Coogee, Bondi, Tamarama - hmmm maybe not that one). I think the beach photos were a reaction to the disappointment of missing out again. She also want to hear the voices of some other bloggers - I keep thinking of the scenes from Sneakers where they are trying to get the geeky guy to say 'my voice is my passport' so they can break into the computer centre (not that Squip would do that of course).

(*) Translation (via Google):

We felt much for each other, and nevertheless us splendid stand. We often played "man and woman", and us does not gerauft nevertheless and struck. We gejauchzt together and joked, and tenderly us kissed and geherzt. We have at the end from kindischer desire "hiding places" easily in forests and reasons, and thus to hide knew ourselves that we appear never more.

Blogroll Checklist
G'Day Mate - Archive (SELF) AOK
G'Day Mate (SELF) AOK
G'Day Mate - Reviews (SELF) AOK
G'Day Mate - Humour (SELF) AOK
The Gray Monk AOK
Aussie Courier AOK
LOL: Laughing Out Loud AOK
Note: There were 1705 possible links to consider (0 unresolved).

TOP 15 Sites
1: Dusting My Brain (50)
2: The Gray Monk (43)
3: LOL: Laughing Out Loud (43)
4: Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin' (31)
5: All AgitProp, all the Time... (29)
6: On The Third Hand: More fair and balanced than Fox News (27)
7: Da Goddess - Friends are like bras, a good one never lets you down (26)
8: Aussie Courier (25)
9: PD: You ... relax. (23)
10: Jivha - the Tongue (22)
11: Ramblings of SilverBlue (17)
12: DramaQueen (17)
13: CynicalCyn.com (17)
14: GRRR be afraid (16)
15: Interested-Participant (15)

Random 5 Sites
Interested-Participant (15)
Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin' (31)
Interested-Participant (15)
Dusting My Brain (50)
Dusting My Brain (50)

Posted by Ozguru at March 7, 2004 12:00 PM

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» I almost peed my pants when I read this* from Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin'
He [referrin' to me] has just returned from a trip to Luckenbach (which is apparently important if you know anything about Texas history - which I don't) - Ozguru [emphasis supplied]*And I imagine Waylon Jennings rolled over in his grave,... [Read More]

Tracked on March 8, 2004 07:01 AM

» Requirin' An Education from GDay Mate
I am most sorely requirin' an education. If any of you readers have found one, please send it my way :-) Seriously, there are apparently some serious gaps in my education which were revealed in the latest Blog Roundup. You see I don't know anything abo... [Read More]

Tracked on March 8, 2004 09:17 AM


Wow, I am not sure how I ended up here, and I am surely confused as why I have my hair in pigtails and am bein' stalked by some little dog. Oh Great Guru of Oz, I implore you to show me the way home. ;) Or, in the words of the immortal Elvis: Thank ya, thank ya very much.

Posted by: Tiger at March 8, 2004 06:53 AM

For comparison, here is the translation provided by Squip:
We felt a good deal for each other, Yet got on splendidly, heaven knows; We often played "husband and wife" together, Yet didn't inflict either scratches or blows; We traded banter and frolicked and mugged, And tenderly kissed each other and hugged. At last we agreed in a sportive mood to play "hide and seek" in thicket and wood, And managed to hide so cleverly then We never can find each other again.

Posted by: ozguru at March 8, 2004 08:59 AM