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May 20, 2004

G'Day Mate Problems (not at munu)

There still seem to be some problems with the main blog page (the reviews page is working OK). What happens is that an authentication box for the 'Viking Realm' appears.

At first I figured it was due to the dynamic IP change yesterday morning (combined with cached copies of the IP address) and so I assumed time would fix it. The problem got worse until late afternoon when I tracked down an authentication error message related to mod_auth which I repaired. I also rebooted the server and did a bit of housekeeping.

Some readers are reporting that the problem still occurs. The only other recent change was an update to MT-Blacklist but I have checked that this morning (incorrect permissions) and if it was a problem, it isn't any more.

I have checked every single htaccess file on the server and none of them include a 'Viking' Realm. For that matter I have been searching for the word 'viking' everywhere with no useful hits. Google hasn't been a lot of help either.....

Given the current increased hit rates (up from 200/day to over 1000/day) could it be a problem with sitemeter?

If you are still seeing the problem, please let me know (this article is cross-posted to the review blog where comments should be working). If you have any suggestions about how to fix it, that would also be helpful.

Posted by Ozguru at May 20, 2004 08:15 AM

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