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January 27, 2007


Sheik Taj El-Din Al Hilaly must be the most misunderstood man in Australia. First people misunderstood him when he compared uncovered women (i.e. not wearing the hijab)to uncovered meat (i.e. it was acceptable to assult or rape them). Then they misunderstood him claiming the immigrants who paid to come here (like him) should have more rights than those forced to come here (i.e. convicts). Next they misunderstood his threat to run for parliament and took it as a challenge. Then to add insult to injury he wasn't allowed to preach becacause he was being too political.

On the other hand, maybe he cancelled the sermon because he wasn't made Australian of the year...

The sheik is doing nothing to help those of his faith adapt to their life in Australia. This is not an Islamic country, it does have Sharia Law and the controversial nature of his remarks should have been dealt with uner the banner of racial and religious vilification. Unfortunately it seems that the anti-discrimination laws here were designed to stop the silent majority from stating their point of view while allowing (and encouraging) fringe lunatics to have their say...

Posted by Ozguru at January 27, 2007 12:00 PM


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