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February 15, 2007


It looks like the complete failure of the Zune has not discouraged Micro$oft. Now (according to CARS) they are going to make a phone version:

Zune Phone To Also Suck.
The technology world was rocked yesterday as news leaked that Microsoft is planning a Zune phone.
Today, as details of the Zune phone began to leak on the Internet, analysts quickly came to the conclusion that the Zune phone would suck as badly as the Zune itself.

I guess that instead of being black, it will be brown. Instead of having a finger controlled display, it will require you to lug around a keyboard. Best of all will be the DRM features:

For example, all calls will be wrapped in Microsoft’s DRM and the end-user license agreement will state that the contents of each call will be the property of Microsoft in perpetuity. Also, the Zellular Phone Call will only allow you to call someone three times. After that, every time you try to call that person you will hear a recording of a representative of the Recording Industry Association of America calling you a thief and yelling obscenities and threats at you.

Posted by Ozguru at February 15, 2007 12:00 PM


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