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January 30, 2007
I happen to use an excellent piece of software called ImageCaster. It means that the kids (at home during the holidays) can see what Dad is doing at work.
The camera in my work-based iMac, takes a picture at regular intervals and then uploads this to a gallery page. There is a tutorial on how to do this but it overlooks one small problem....
Chances are, when you first play around with this, you will use the default settings (or perhaps fiddle with the naming convention). If so, following the steps in the tutorial will not work perfectly. In fact, I had been using 'wrap' for the file naming and my final gallery page had no images at all.
A quick dig with 'View Source' suggested that the webpage created by the tool was looking for the wrap-based filename (which is the wrong format).
To solve this, make sure that you set the file saving options to shift *before* you chose gallery, then everything else works properly.
[The moral of the story is - use the source, Luke....]
Posted by Ozguru at January 30, 2007 06:00 AM