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February 12, 2007
Thinking about Vista (more)?
So you weren't convinced by this post? Check out the following (slighly edited*) BOFH article:
BOSS: "So you're not really suggesting I install Vista?"
PFY: "No. Even if you could you shouldn't - not with this baby/"
BOSS: "So I should keep XP?"
PFY: "No."
BOSS: "Downgrade to 2000?"
PFY: "No."
BOSS: "Windows 98?"
PFY: "No."
BOSS: "95?"
PFY: "No."
BOSS: "What am I supposed to do with it then?"
PFY: "Take my advice," the PFY says. “Nail a couple of planks to either side and use it as a bedside table."
BOSS: "But... I thought you could do something with it."
PFY: "Yeah - the bedside table idea!"
[* I added the 'BOSS:' and 'PFY:' to make it clear who was speaking....]
Posted by Ozguru at February 12, 2007 07:00 AM