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October 01, 2005

Slashdot Saga

[This relates to some very ancient history but as a friend of the engineer who took the blame, I always thought he got the raw end of the deal....]

There was movement at the office, for the word had got around;
The boss was reading Slashdot and a culprit must be found.

We had bought some dodgy servers from a good source that we knew;
He had to shift them quickly for the budgets, they were due.

He shut the servers down and packed them in a truck,
The data was still there but he didn't give a f___.

We pulled apart the servers to extract the useful bits,
We found the users data and collapsed in laughing fits.

One engineer recovered long enough to write it down,
He put it on a website on the other side of town.

Slashdot picked up the story which the geeks all quite enjoyed,
But the source was real unhappy and the boss was quite annoyed.

The hunt was on to find a scapegoat to be blamed,
That the source had failed his job, could never be explained.

"The story must be killed, before it gets around",
The major league reporters had their noses to the ground.

So the source and boss decided it was time to end the game,
The engineer who wrote it, is the one to take the blame.

Forget the primary failure, of the source who didn't care,
Didn't take a moment's trouble to remove the data there...

Posted by Ozguru at October 1, 2005 06:30 AM
