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December 22, 2003
Australian Geek Song
This time of year can be particularly hard for Australians. Walking from a 40 degree heat into an slightly cooler air-conditioned shop and then hearing the old 'White Christmas' song. No chance mate. And what about this 'Jingle Bell' with sleighs. You've gotta be kidding.
So I figured I had better post a non-religious song for all the computer nerds geeks out there which has an Australian tune (but nothing to do with Christmas). This was originally sent to me by my sister in the UK (sung to "Waltzing Matilda"):
Once a password hacker sat by a terminal,
Under the shade of a binary tree
And he sang as he sat and waited 'til his code compiled,
"You'll come a-cracking computers with me"
[Chorus] "Cracking computers, hacking computers,
You'll come a-cracking computers with me''
And he sang as he sat and waited 'til his code compiled,
"You'll come a-cracking computers with me".
Down came a user, to login to that terminal,
Up sat the hacker, and watched him with glee
And he sang as he saved that password in a datafile,
"You'll come a-cracking computers with me"
In came the sysop, watching on his monitor,
In came a super-user or three
"Oh whose is that password, you've got in your datafile?
You've been a-cracking computers I see!"
Up jumped the hacker, turned off his terminal.
"You'll never catch me online" said he!
But his code can be heard as you login to that terminal.
"Who'll come a-cracking computers with me?''
Posted by Peskie at December 22, 2003 12:00 PM
You knew I'd like this one, didn't you?
Posted by: Da Goddess at December 22, 2003 07:12 AM
I love it!! This should become the world anthem for all hackers!!
Posted by: used english books tokyo at December 22, 2003 07:12 AM