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January 05, 2005


Like Ambient Irony, I have taken the kids to see the latest Pixar movie (The Incredibles). I would agree that it is not as easy for the younguns as previous movies but it was still interesting. Afterwards, the number one question was actually about the jackalope (kangaroo-bear) from the short file that preceded the movie.

Thanks to Pixy, I found out :-) Check the link in his quote:

The short that accompanied it, Boundin', was also a delight, and introduced my family to one of my personal favourite quintessentially American critters, the jackalope. None of them had ever heard of a jackalope before, so they were probably wondering why I was laughing so hard at that point.

So now I know it is not a kangaroo-bear, instead it is a deer-rabbit.

Posted by Peskie at January 5, 2005 12:00 PM