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February 21, 2005
Xboxes recalled
In what has to be one of the funniest news-stories of the month, Microslosh is admitting to a problem with the Xbox:
Microsoft has warned consumers that more than 14 million Xbox games consoles could be a fire hazard after reports of gamers burning their hands and damaging lounge room carpets.
The real punchline comes towards the end of the article...
Microsoft advised gamers that ... they should turn off their console ...
In updated news, Microslosh has announced the results of a study that show PC's which are switched off do not attract new virii. As a result, they have suggested that leaving your PC switched off from the day you buy it until it is obsolete will guarantee your safety.
Posted by Peskie at February 21, 2005 12:00 PM
until obsolete? so for about 10 minutes...
Posted by: Peskie at February 21, 2005 08:02 PM