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May 17, 2005
Tiger and Burning
You can try to burn a CD or DVD via the Finder in Tiger (which is a nice easy way to do it). Insert a burnable volume, it appears on the Desktop, drag and drop some files and then press the yellow and black button. No worries.
What if you get 'Error Code 0x80020025' when you insert the disk?
Restart the Finder - easiest way is to log out and log in again. Alternately you could 'Force Quit' the Finder (may introduce other problems) or restart the computer. You do not (despite advice on a well-known-Mac-advice-site) need to reset your PRAM (which resets a whole bunch of preferences).
Posted by Ozguru at May 17, 2005 06:00 AM
Posted by: Tiger at May 17, 2005 07:05 AM
Posted by: Tiger at May 17, 2005 07:05 AM