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July 26, 2005

Jacques puts his foot in it...

Still catching up with old items, I found Chirac Insults Everybody:

It was giggles and belly laughs as French President Jacques Chirac entertained his dinner companions, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Russian President Vladimir Putin, with insults directed toward the British. Yuck-yuck! Unfortunately, their private conversation was recorded by a journalist and published.
My gut hurts. Jacques, you're killing me. France opposes NATO because you were asked to try haggis. Hey, don't give this guy any Rocky Mountain Oysters. He'll start a war.
The fact that Chirac jokes about NATO by making a correlation between foreign policy and the lunch menu provides some explanation why even Chirac's own people are less and less fond of him. If I were French, I'd be embarrassed by Chirac's statements and then I'd emigrate.

Jacques says (and I quote) "You can't trust people who cook as badly as that".... Mind you the French cooking skill didn't help much in WWII.... What I can't understand is how they can trust the guys who invaded them twice but they can't trust the guys who rescued them twice.

Then again, maybe that is exactly why. Their national ego is injured by admitting that they needed to be liberated in the first place. Being invaded by the second best army Europe has every seen is minor compared to being forcefully liberated.

That would explain the French approach to Iraq - they would hate for the Iraqi's to later be in the same boat...

Posted by Ozguru at July 26, 2005 06:00 PM

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