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July 26, 2005

Alura Allen

Speaking of missed opportunities, you don't want to miss out on the first Alura Allen books:

Beat the rush and get yours today!!! The future will hopefully show your experience to be a lot like your having been one of the first people to have read the Lord of the Rings right after it was released for public consumption. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.

I ordered a copy online and read it straight away. More interesting that Harry Potter 6 (and shorter as well). I am eagerly waiting for book 2, in fact I can see the crowds lining up outside the book stores in anticipation. Instead of dressing up like Snape, they will be trying to look like Hor/10 (and given my bulk, I should be able to do that with ease...).

So don't miss out, order it today :-)

Posted by Ozguru at July 26, 2005 05:30 PM

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