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July 26, 2005

Some People Just Can't Tell A Joke...

We all know people who cannot tell jokes - either they munge up the punchline or they keep laughing while they try to reconstruct the joke. A friend and I were chatting about HP6 and the relationship between Ron and Lavender.

I reminded him that this was a foregone conclusion (that they would get together) and Ron had his eye on her for some time. My friend questioned how I knew this. I pointed out the episode in Divination where Lavender mucked up her planetary chart... she had one planet (Uranus) listed twice. Ron leaned over and said he would like to "see Uranus"...

The penny failed to drop so I trotted out the old saw about 'Why is the Starship Enterprise like toilet paper?' (Because they both circle Uranus looking for Klingons).

The friend told the joke to another mutual acquaintance who then got in touch to ask what the heck was the punchline supposed to be? My friend had passed on the punchline as "They both go round your bottom looking for sticky stuff".

Now, if you want to hear a joke told the right way, try Tig's Funny but TRUE Edition...

Posted by Ozguru at July 26, 2005 12:00 PM
