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September 04, 2005
Beer is Better than a Man
10 Reasons Why a Beer is Better Than a Man:
1. A beer will never invite friends home for dinner without calling.
2. A beer won't think less of you if you can't name the Steelers' quarterback.
3. A beer won't even act amazed if you can.
4. You don't have to let a beer win.
5. Just because you have dinner with a beer doesn't mean you have to sleep with it, too.
6. A beer helps with the houswork.
7. A beer will never fumble with your bra.
8. A beer will never take the newspaper apart before you've read it.
9. A beer doesn't want you to raise its children.
10. A beer doesn't even know how to use a TV remote.
Posted by Peskie at September 4, 2005 12:00 PM