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November 30, 2003

Blog Roundup

I have bad news and I have worse news. The bad news for you is that I started a blog roundup for this week. The worse news is that I don't have time to do it. To see the detailed list (including the top 10 links) see the extended entry. This has been done to reduce the effect of pushing the common links even higher in the list. The winners who should have been reviewed this week are:

All AgitProp (26)

Jaboobie (15)

The Gray Monk (16)

Practical Penumbra (8)

Da Goddess (6)

On The Third Hand (2)

When I Paint My Masterpiece (15)

If I get a chance during the week I will try to catch up (or maybe cheat next weekend and do them then).

Site Checklist
Note: There are 558 links to consider.

TOP 10 Sites
Jivha - the Tongue (32)
Kingsley (28)
All AgitProp (26)
Interested Participant (22)
http://www.guru-international.com/gray_monk (16)
Dusting My Brain (16)
Jaboobie (15)
Utterly Boring (15)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (15)
Technically Speaking (15)

Random 10 Sites
Jaboobie (15)
http://www.guru-international.com/gray_monk (16)
http://www.guru-international.com/gray_monk (16)
http://practicalpenumbra.mu.nu (8)
http://www.dagoddess.com (6)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (15)
All AgitProp (26)
http://site-essential.com (2)
http://www.guru-international.com:8080 (3)
http://www.guru-international.com/gray_monk (16)

Posted by Ozguru at November 30, 2003 11:11 PM


My excuse is hiding here.

Posted by: ozguru at November 30, 2003 11:11 PM