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February 01, 2003

Smile Test

Do the smiles work?

I am testing MTMacro code to create smiles:

  • Angry = :mad

  • Big Grin = :D

  • Confused = :-~

  • Cry = :-(

  • Embarrassed = :8|

  • Evil = :evil

  • Grin = :)

  • Neutral = :-|

  • Raspberry = :-P

  • Sad = :(

  • Smile = :-)

  • Wink = ;-)

Hint: If you can see the smiles instead of text, then the test worked :-)

[They are not working ... yet. According to Munuvia the code should look like:


According to the code behind the The Gray Monk, the code should look like:
<$MTEntryBody apply_macros="1"$>

Neither appears to work properly.]

Posted by Ozguru at February 1, 2003 01:00 AM


They are not working - even in the comments :-(

Posted by: Ozguru at May 30, 2005 11:03 PM

Ahhh - too much WordPress - instead of <?php include> in the header, you need to use <MTInclude> in the body.

Posted by: Ozguru at May 30, 2005 11:31 PM

I can see 'em :) but only on the main page, not in the comment page

Posted by: Pete at May 31, 2005 07:30 AM

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