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November 13, 2003

What a relief

Apparently I more likely to be male than female! Following a link from tales from the woods, I paid a visit to The Gender Genie which is able to predict the sex of an aauthor based on writing style. I fed it the text of this post (which was the most recent one to meet the length requirements). Results:

Words: 988 (NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)
Female Score: 1638
Male Score: 2293
The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

I don't think the reference to my beard growing had any impact on the result.....

Posted by Ozguru at November 13, 2003 08:11 AM


OK, here's an idea. Can you maximise your score without reading the explanation of how it works? What words do you think are more likely to be uttered by a man than a woman?

Posted by: ozguru at November 13, 2003 08:11 AM

Even after reading the durned thing I can't maximize my score. I can't even minimize it, which I'd rather. Durned think keeps tellling me I'm a man. I've checked yet again and I'm still missing certain physical attributes (and have a couple which only men who have had operations could comptete with). There's some gender 'quiz' around that also keeps telling me I'm a man. I give up. I'm obviously a gay man in a female body.

Posted by: Kathy K at November 13, 2003 08:11 AM

That is funny, I will have to look into this test and get back to on how female it thinks I am LOL.

Posted by: TL at November 13, 2003 08:11 AM