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November 25, 2003

Wedding Trip 4

Saturday - Main Event

We had to leave early (2:15) to be there by 2:45 (for Hushering). We headed down past the war memorial, around the airport and through Queanbeyan. We were just turning from the main street into the lane (to get to the church parking) when a vehicle collided with us from the rear. A Holden Rodeo (a ute) with a huge steel bull bar hit the back of our little Camry at pretty close to full speed. The witnesses says he didn't even attempt to break or slow. He was travelling (according the police) well over 70 km/hr (in a 50km/hr zone) and it totalled the car.

Fortunately the kids in the back seat got no more than a fright (and lots of shattered rear windscreen bits all over them). We had to wait for the cops and an ambulance (to check the kids) and then a towtruck. The cops, the towtruck driver and a number of the wedding guests all assured us that the car would be a write-off (i.e. the insurance company would pay us for the car rather than get it repaired because the entire rear had collapsed and the frame was twisted.

Sorry I was too distracted to take any photos although I did manage to rescue the camera from what was left of the boot of the car. Most of the boot was crushed into the back of the rear seats and the passenger doors no longer close properly. The rear window was completely out of the frame and shattered all over the back seat.

My wife and kids enjoyed the wedding while I hovered near the door and watched for a towtruck.

Posted by Ozguru at November 25, 2003 03:11 PM


That sucks. One unfortunate event like that can ruin everything. Am glad you and your family are safe.

Posted by: Melodrama at November 25, 2003 03:11 PM

Thankfully you and your family are all okay. That's the most important thing.

Posted by: Cindy at November 25, 2003 03:11 PM

Cars are replacable, you and the kids aren't. Sounds as if the Guardian Angels Department were putting in a little overtime there. Glad you are all OK.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 25, 2003 03:11 PM

Time travel? A late post tonight I'm afraid, as I have just returned from a trip to London and needed to unwind before turning in. So, a little look at one or two blogs and then ...... Reading the installments on Aussie...

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 25, 2003 03:11 PM