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November 24, 2003

Wedding Trip 1

This is the first of a series of posts written during the trip. Obviously I have the full story now but rather than spoil things, I figured I should post them in the correct order over the next day or so. To reduce the anticipation, we all survived and are back home again :-)

Friday - On the Road to Canberra

Pretty uneventful trip. We pulled off the main highway to tour through Goulburn and pay a visit to the Big Merino.

Lake George was as dry as can be expected. The kids had a great time fighting in the back seat and we arrived to discover a problem. When you go on a trip like this, you just know you will forget something. In this case it was umbrellas. Who need an umbrella in a drought?

Well it has been pouring and I came close to drowning just trying to cross the road after lunch. Popped into Woolies and asked about umbrellas. The shop assistant looked at me like I was a total idiot? Dunno he says, try the gardening section. No luck so I popped into the chemist and relieved them of a couple which lightened my wallet considerably. Of course it stopped raining after that. We popped down to the National exhibition and discovered that it closed ten minutes after we arrived.

Posted by Ozguru at November 24, 2003 04:11 PM


When travelling with kids, three things are givens: - 1. The kid's will start to fight within half an hour of setting out. 2. Three quarters of all space for luggage will be taken up by the kids things and yours will be crammed into any space left over. 3. Some vital piece of equipment will be left behind. Experience is what helps us make a different mistake the second time around.

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 24, 2003 04:11 PM

Not only did I leave things behind (umbrellas) but I also left something in the car when it was towed away - my mains phone charger is somewhere in whatever is left of the boot. Oh well, time to get a new charger.....

Posted by: ozguru at November 24, 2003 04:11 PM