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November 25, 2003

Wedding Trip 3

Saturday - Cockington Green

Took the kids to Cockington Green in the morning - a place with model houses laid out in an English style (there is also a new international section and a real steam train). It was pouring but then isn't that sort of suitable for viewing an English village?

In one part of the site there is a soccer game "in progress" with a crowd and a sausage seller etc. We noticed that the soccer goals (and teams) had been removed and replaced with rugby posts. The two new teams were in red and white (the Lions - England) and green and yellow (the Wallabies - Australia). The crowd was clearly cheering the Lions and we had to wonder if that would influence the result of the game Saturday night.

The train bloke was really kind and took us round (twice) even though it was raining cats and dogs.

Afterwards we picked up lunch in Chinatown and then headed back to the hotel to get washed and showered for the main event.

Posted by Ozguru at November 25, 2003 06:11 AM


Generally speaking we don't get a years supply of rain in one afternoon it usually comes spread out! As the harvest hymn says "soft soaking rains". We get damp, not downpour! At least the guys playing rugby could skid on wet grass instead of getting gravel burns on dry gravel!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 25, 2003 06:11 AM

Good point. And this was definitely the downpour variety. In fact I have been reassured that Canberra and the surrounding area got more rain over this weekend than it had in the previous six months. Maybe I could get a job as a Rain Man (like the fellow in The Hitch Hikers Guide) ... On the other hand, maybe I could hit the people of Canberra for a new car (cheap at half the price given that I broke the drought).

Posted by: ozguru at November 25, 2003 06:11 AM