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November 19, 2003

SPAM Motivation

Why does SPAM persist? I have just deleted 3 Nigerian emails (all in the last 24 emails). Well someone has done the research and put the figures together. There is a discussion at The Register which points to this paper and the numbers are really scary:

Leung reckons response rates to bulk commercial email is less than 0.005 per cent. That means that a typical email message appeals to 50 people and annoys 999,950. Brightmail chief exec Enrique Salem recently told El Reg that scammers only need one in a million respondents to phishing emails to make the con worthwhile.

So how can spammers stay in business with such low response rates:

Spam, unlike conventional junk mail, is growing exponentially because it costs virtually nothing to send and all the costs of dealing with spam are dumped on its recipients.

Posted by Ozguru at November 19, 2003 07:11 PM


You know how it is, Ozguru; there's one born every minute...

Posted by: Paul at November 19, 2003 07:11 PM