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November 22, 2003

Cheddar X

1. What's the best advice you've ever gotten?
Actually it was advice to my parents from my school principal: "Your son is incapable of learning. Don't bother sending him to a good high school. Try and get him an apprenticeship when he turns 14 - that's all he'll ever be good for." Why was this good advice? It certainly spurred my academic ambitions and now I'd really like to go back and hand him a business card.....

2. What is the best thing you've ever found?
My wife.

3. What three words describe your blog?
Lotsa spelling errors (you said three, you didn't exclude Australian slang).

4. What was the most recent thing you did that seemed like a good idea at the time but later events proved otherwise?
Provided transport for a relative and asked them about their spouse. I haven't been spoken to since.

5. What two celebrities would you most like to see fight to the death?
Ex-prime minister of Malaysia vs the current French president (or any French president for that matter). No matter who wins, the world would be a better place, no?

6. What do you think is the best thing about the internet? What's the worst?
All those cool blogs out there that I don't have time to read. SPAM!

Posted by Ozguru at November 22, 2003 07:11 AM


Hmmmmm, I have still got the letter of reference given me by my late Headmaster. It can be summed up as "this boy has no brains and will never amount to anything. Good luck to anyone who hires him." Sort of acted as a spur to get off my butt and prove him wrong. The rattling sound you can hear is probably him and one or two others .....

Posted by: pgc at November 22, 2003 07:11 AM