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November 22, 2003

Blog Roundup

Here we go for another week. This particular review was prepared earlier (and in random order) because I didn't want you loyal readers to suffer while I was enjoying myself at Aussie Courier's Wedding. That means there will probably be even more interesting things to read on these blogs :-)

These two blogs are due for review but I have run out of time to finish them before I leave for Canberra. I promise to do it when I get back but in the meantime go and check out: Jivha - the Tongue and Dusting My Brain.

Annals Australasia is another blog that needs to be updated. In this case, I happen to read the print version and enjoy it but the on-line version seems to get out-of-date quickly. Given that I host the blog, maybe I should do some more work on it :-) It does have an interesting article on Iraq.

Synapse used to be on the blogroll (but was purged recently when I cleaned things up). It has an interesting blend of stories, told from an Australian (yes tasmania is still part of Australia) perspective and using Australian language - such as The Gutless Wonder. Another choice turn of phrase appears in this article which talks about MS and suggests that MS users will be "bending over and greasing up". On a more practical note, Raena has installed Gallery which is something I was planning to play with.

Here we have another blog missing in action: Patang!. I found a post from October 24 but nothing more recent. If you are using MT there is a quick fix for this. By default MT displays a certain number of days but you can change this (as I do) to reflect a certain number of entries instead. Go to your main index template and look for the bit that says:

Now change that to look like:
<MTEntries lastn="21">

That should give you the last 21 entries (or whatever number you used) regardless of the elapsed time. If you don't post for a month, you will still have content on the main page.

Kingsley ought to be buying lottery tickets because he got selected last week as well. Since then he has got involved in Blog Mela and if you know what that is, you are smarter than I. Perhaps a pointer to some background might have been handy. On a more serious note there is an observation about analog vs digital watches. I had never thought of it in those terms but Kingsley is right. I also remember a study about watches where people with analog watches could tell you the time while people with digital watches would show it to you. Try it next time in the street, ask someone for the time and watch whether you get an answer or a view of their wrist.

I like Technically Speaking because it has a neat mix of fun and science mixed into the blog. There was a post the other day about mesons (not Masons) and it was easy to understand and sounds really exciting (I have no idea what it really means to science but I could understand that it was significant). Even more interesting is a vaccine for Ebola which would remove one of the popular doomsday topics for paperback novelists. Finally there was a post on bluetooth that I will have to investigate further (because I use bluetooth with my phone). Check Tony's blog out - it is both interesting and informative (both at the same time).

This site: Collinization is currently blank. By clicking on the October archive I note that the author claims to have no internet access. Hmmmm. Maybe there are no internet cafe's in his area - I can't walk round the block at lunch time without tripping over at least a dozen. Besides what about "free" access? Hmmm. Lets look deeper. Nope, nada, no good excuse except for something about football and we all know Americans don't play real football.....

Technically, Crazy Apple Rumours is not a blog but I do link to their stories and they do sort of do daily posting about weird stuff although some of the latest posts appear to have been completed under the influence of hallucinogenic compounds. The guy who writes CARS also has a blog over at John Moltz (No-good, Mac-using liberal drunk).

Last, but not least we have Annika of Annika's Journal and Poetry who is not weird and has completed a quiz to prove it. She also has some strange philosophical question about icecream - and no I don't want the analogy expanded on this family oriented blog.

Posted by Ozguru at November 22, 2003 07:11 AM


Not only do I need to buy lottery tickets, going by some of the stuff I'm doing on my blog these days (montaging my photograph with our very autocratic chief minister's, from her movie days), I also ought to be buying plenty of insurance !

Posted by: Kingsley at November 22, 2003 07:11 AM