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November 12, 2003

Recall Notice

The other day I commented on a post by NZ Bear. A new reader Kynn has objected to my post and claiming:

The discussion you link to has nothing to do with changes to the ecosystem, and only to NZ Bear's misunderstanding of LoL policy. League members were complaining about his unfair stereotyping, not about any alterations to the blogosphere.

I have responded in the comments (and via email to Kynn) and he/she (sorry, I have no idea if Kynn is a male or female name), has responded in turn:

Well, I urge you to check the original again, and you'll see that the League of Liberals members have not complained about the changes to the ecosystem. They've only complained about a separate issue: NZ Bear's commentary on the League's presumed tactics.

So the question is now open to my readers. Please note that I had not mentioned the group in the original article and it is not my intention to give them more publicity but on the other hand I do not wish to be unfair. If you read the posts and feel that the original article should be retracted, let me know (via the comments)....

Posted by Ozguru at November 12, 2003 08:11 AM


I have been flat out all day but finally had the chance to check and Kynn in a gent's name. Sorry for that I didn't have time to check this morning but I didn't want to offend someone unnecessarily. From the response so far I would have to guess that most of you don't care..... (Paraphrasing Paul) Sound of cicadas chirping..... Oh well. Next topic then.

Posted by: ozguru at November 12, 2003 08:11 AM