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November 23, 2003

Top 10 Results

I know the results are already up, but for the curious this is where the list of links came from. The reduced link count this week came from finding more self referential links (looked like the old missing page replacement link playing up).

Site Checklist
Note: There are 582 links to consider.

TOP 10 Sites
Jihva - the Tongue (30)
All AgitProp (29)
Interested Participant (23)
Jaboobie (18)
When I Paint My Masterpiece (16)
Utterly Boring (15)
Technically Speaking (14)
A Jaunty Little Blog (14)
Jay Solo's Verbosity (13)
Cynical Cyn (13)

Random 10 Sites
Dusting My Brain
Annika's Journal and Poetry
Annals Australasia
Crazy Apple Rumours
Jivha - the Tongue
Technically Speaking

Posted by Ozguru at November 23, 2003 07:11 AM


WOW, there I am again! Thank you!! Thank You!! How Cooooool!! Glad you are back and in one piece!!

Posted by: Cyn at November 23, 2003 07:11 AM