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November 18, 2003

Mid-week mystery

To make up for last week, I have two mid-week mysteries this week (both easy ones). Who is this bloke:

There is no point in blowing up the photo to look at the name on the sandstone because I layered it over. Also as a clue, a lot of people get this bloke confused with an unrelated event that happened some time later.

Posted by Ozguru at November 18, 2003 05:11 PM


Is it J.C.?

Posted by: Kiwi Observer at November 18, 2003 05:11 PM

Mr (or Ms) Kiwi Observer got it in one. If you want to get in touch (you used an invalid email address) you can also win a prize - the prize is getting to ask me a question that I have to answer. The statue is Capt. James Cook (not the other J.C.) and a lot of people mix him up with the early settlers. He came before them and it was his reports on Australia that encouraged the British (and the French) to set up colonies.

Posted by: ozguru at November 18, 2003 05:11 PM

So where is the second one?! and i woun't have guessed that i was in american history mode. but the fact that he is a "bloke" should have clued me in. LOL and i noticed right off that you layered over, because i was going to try and read the base. darn got caught!

Posted by: TL at November 18, 2003 05:11 PM