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November 26, 2003

Mid-week mystery

This is an Australian native - what is it and can you name a famous one?

Posted by Ozguru at November 26, 2003 07:11 AM


It's a wombat. I am reasonably sure of this. I recall being impressed by the thickness of the hide and the size of the incisors with which one attempted to take someones fingers off with. I cannot recall the name, but there is one in a children's story that is supposed to be a nice little anthropmorphic "Aussie" and another is used by the NSW Rural Fire Brigades to promote bushfire safety. Can't think why!

Posted by: The Gray Monk at November 26, 2003 07:11 AM

Yup. Definitely a wombat. Big animal with bad vision that digs tunnels under your fence and polishes off your garden. You do not want to hit one on the road. I was figuring on the famous ones being either "The Muddle Headed Wombat" (children's book character) or "Fatso" (from one of those perennial soapies that we produce and export to the UK and USA).

Posted by: ozguru at November 26, 2003 07:11 AM

Definitely a wombat - the most famous would have to be Fatso from the Dream

Posted by: Spengy at November 26, 2003 07:11 AM