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November 26, 2003

Blog Roundup (Con't)

Well I am back and car accident or no car accident I have a duty to fulfill which is to finish off last weeks review. We might cut back to five blogs in the next review until I get enough time to catch up again :-)

The outstanding blogs (and they are outstanding) are: Jivha - the Tongue and Dusting My Brain.

One of the interesting things about Squip's Blog is that it has introduced me to a whole new set of blogs that I would otherwise have missed because our blog rolls do not really intersect much. One recent curiosity was this link to My Boyfriend is a Twat. I have to assume that the boyfriend can't read as well. Returning to the blog I am supposed to be reviewing there is a heartfelt plea for assistance with the Christmas gift email... (I think I can use that "Peas on Earth and Other Goodwill Carrots" phrase), a link to the Digital IQ quiz and a serious repost on telling the truth.

Jivha is like an old friend, his was the first Indian blog I ever stumbled across and he seems to have endless energy when it comes to posting. In fact this has led to a problem with the posts falling off the bottom of the main page. In fact this post is no longer on the front page (and was hard to find). I have a long front page to get around this but as Jivha points out, this tends to slow things down and some readers will give up (I have even had some feedback about how long the page takes to load at the moment with all those photos). As an aside, if you ever wonder why I post Microslash jokes, it was because Jivha told me it was a good idea. On the more current front, Jivha has been running a number of posts about the perils and issues of outsourcing (especially call centres to India).

Both these blogs are good reads and should be on your daily rounds (or at least linked to your RSS aggregator). Also in passing, congratulations to NZ Bear for passing the 500,000 mark.

Posted by Ozguru at November 26, 2003 12:11 PM


I, I, I, eye yam fluttered. I mean faltered. I mean flattered. I mean, thank you! *blush*

Posted by: Cindy at November 26, 2003 12:11 PM

A BIG thanks Ozguru, as always. Without sounding corny, it's an honour to be called your "old friend" :-)

Posted by: Jivha at November 26, 2003 12:11 PM

fame down under - thanks!

Posted by: zed at November 26, 2003 12:11 PM