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November 28, 2003

Stop Press

The leader of the federal opposition has resigned. Whats-his-name managed to hang on during the last leadership challenge despite having absolutely no charisma and no supporters (except in the executive). Looks like it will be an open contest between hopefuls and has-beens.

Here was my summary at the last leadership debacle:

Current Events: Newspoll of voters done nationwide asking about preferred Prime Minister. About 50% of coalition voters like the PM (that's normal) about 20% like Kim Beazley (the alternate leader of the opposition), about 10% picked Crean (because he is guaranteed to lose the next election and give the coalition another turn). About 99.9% of Labor voters wanted Kim Beazley and the rest wanted Paul Keating or Bob Hawke back. Got it. Ain't nobody want this dude.

Posted by Ozguru at November 28, 2003 12:11 PM


"Carr for PM"! Let's get Bobby Carr (NSW Premier, ALP) to go to Canberra to lead the ALP. That will have two benefits - firstly it will make the next federal election into a real contest instead of a re-elect Johnny-fest and secondly it might give the useless Liberal Party a chance at organising an attempt at forming a committee to investigate the possibility of considering the option of thinking about trying to win another seat or maybe two at the next state election. Then again, maybe that is not really feasible given the current crop of potential candidates.

Posted by: ozguru at November 28, 2003 12:11 PM