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November 18, 2003

More Scot Photos

My son (6 years old) was using the older digital camera and took lots of pictures as kids do. Initially he was photographing things in the arena which was OK but then he wanted to snap the people walking along the path near us. His grandmother and I both suggested that he should ask people before taking their picture. After some consideration he agreed to go along with out strange request. He waiting until two of the strong men, fresh from the hammer throw and looking for liquid refreshment, climbed over the fence and walked near us. "Stop", he said, "I'm taking your picture". One of them frowned and asked: "What did you say?" I jumped in very quickly, and explained: "My son enjoyed your performance and wanted to photograph the champions." They relaxed and were very happy to pose:

I also took photos of the genuine Scottish food available:

Icecream and Kebabs

Pancakes and Coffee

Actually we had genuine Australian sausage sandwiches with onion and tomato sauce (ketchup if you are American). There was a lot of Scottish deserts like shortbread, fudge and tablet but no savouries like haggis :-(

For the Scottish dancing fans (including some relatives) I have a few shots: 1, 2, 3.

Posted by Ozguru at November 18, 2003 07:11 AM


Nice cover for your son.. sounds like my sister:ask okay... "this is what i'm doing" hehe oh well

Posted by: TL at November 18, 2003 07:11 AM