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November 24, 2003

Wedding Trip 2

Friday - Rehearsals
Well the rehearsal was fun (sort of) but two planning snags were discovered. First was transport (via Holden Statesman) for the bridal party after the wedding. They all need to get to the photo locations and the reception but there won't be enough seats to go round. Second problem is that I am over-committed. I am supposed to drive one of the cars and my son is the husher (he thinks that means he gets to tell people to be quiet). Problem is that he and I need to be doing things (seating people, collecting flower girls) at different places (the church, somewhere else) at the same time and my wife will be looking after my daughter as well.

Any rate the groom is going to try and get another driver (at least for the part before the wedding) and I will help with the hushing.

I forgot to ask how formal he wants it to be..... i.e. do I wear a tie with the kilt?

Posted by Ozguru at November 24, 2003 05:11 PM
