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November 19, 2003

Mid-week mystery

Here is the second mystery for this week. Where was I when I took this photo?

Posted by Ozguru at November 19, 2003 06:11 AM



Posted by: Peskie at November 19, 2003 06:11 AM

Technically correct but completely useless as an answer - you could be an IT consultant. Or maybe a prime-ministerial advisor. Actually it was my fault for making the question so broad so you are in fact correct. I was in Sydney when I took the photo. You have won first prize. If anyone else would like to guess where in Sydney, I can offer a consolation prize which is identical to the first prize....

Posted by: ozguru at November 19, 2003 06:11 AM

Double nuthin's still nuthin!

Posted by: Peskie at November 19, 2003 06:11 AM

Cheeky comments won't help. Your prize-question has been answer and will appear tomorrow morning some time. Full answer: Taken from a train window facing west on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The blur is due to the railings. North Sydney is ahead (to the right of the picture).

Posted by: ozguru at November 19, 2003 06:11 AM